Tom Evison
Tom has been Chairman at Andover Athletics since 2019. His two boys joined AAC in 2012 following the London Olympic Games. Tom has competed for the club at SAL and open events, raced in club colours at many 10k and cross-country events, all the way up to ultra marathons. Tom would like to achieve a pb for each of the athletic discipline but knows that hurdles is not going to be one of them!

Katy Karas
Welfare Officer
Katy has been involved with the club since she was 9. Competing till she was in her late teens. She progressed onto coaching U13s.
Katy has since returned with 2 children in tow, who also now compete for the club.
She is generally seen up the club making herself known to mums and dads of the younger groups, but is there for all under the Welfare Officer title.

Johnathan H
Claire McG
Hannah C-O
Sarah H
Clare M